Mango Green Smoothie Bowl with Coconut Water, Hemp Hearts and Cardamom


Mango Green Smoothie Bowl with coconut water, hemp hearts, and cardamom | recipe via Mango Green Smoothie Bowl with coconut water, hemp hearts, and cardamom | recipe via willfrolicforfood.comMango Green Smoothie Bowl with coconut water, hemp hearts, and cardamom | recipe via willfrolicforfood.comMango Green Smoothie Bowl with coconut water, hemp hearts, and cardamom | recipe via willfrolicforfood.comVirgo season. It’s a time for going inward. For creating dream-journals, bucket-lists. For accessing deep wisdom regarding our path and purpose in life. I feel drawn to daily rituals — stretching & meditation when first waking, conversation over coffee with Logan, writing and planning my day after that. Ritual connects me with that invisible thread of spirit, the muse you might call it. It seems to lead me always on and on towards some greater meaning. Or perhaps it merely illuminates my experience of the momentous now.

Mango Green Smoothie Bowl with coconut water, hemp hearts, and cardamom | recipe via willfrolicforfood.comMango Green Smoothie Bowl with coconut water, hemp hearts, and cardamom | recipe via willfrolicforfood.comMango Green Smoothie Bowl with coconut water, hemp hearts, and cardamom | recipe via willfrolicforfood.comMango Green Smoothie Bowl with coconut water, hemp hearts, and cardamom | recipe via willfrolicforfood.comMango Green Smoothie Bowl with coconut water, hemp hearts, and cardamom | recipe via willfrolicforfood.comMango Green Smoothie Bowl with coconut water, hemp hearts, and cardamom | recipe via willfrolicforfood.comSubconsciously, I’m bolstering myself for the depths of Winter. The cold has been so long and harsh in the past couple of years. So I want to stuff in as much beauty into my days as possible before the frost. As part of that I’m preparing my home to be its best self, purging items that no longer serve my happiness. I’m dreaming of a tranquil, cozy space. A place that acts as a mental respite from the noise and chaos of work, travel, events, and social life. I’m taking down art I feel lukewarm about. I only want things I’m in love with in my home. I spend so much time at home, especially in the Winter. I can’t stand to spend another season surrounded by uninspiring objects.

Otherwise I’m diving into regular yoga practice and meditation. I’m gathering the juicy fire of Summer into my bones. I’m sweeping out clutter that distracts me from my pointed vision.

Everything I’m doing feels like daily preparation for a life well-lived. I’m channeling The Hermit, crafting concoctions and thoughtful meals like a lone Sage in the forest. Drinking mugwort and lavender tea for calm focus in the day, and dreaming in the eve. Taking holy basil tinctures for whole-system support. Making potent, delicious mango green smoothie bowls to invigorate my day with sustained energy. I feel most like myself in September, my birthday month. Like a light-witch riding the crisp waves of kind, early Autumn into each new age of my life.

This mango green smoothie bowl is thick, tangy, and sweet. Cardamom and vanilla add a subtle complexity. The spinach is undetectable, except of course when it comes to the vibrant green color. Hemp hearts add protein and essential Omega-3's. The coconut water base makes this smoothie bowl especially hydrating. I've topped my bowl with coconut flakes and sesame seeds. Top with anything you like! Cacao nibs, goji berries, golden mulberries, chia seeds, or chopped brazil or macadamia nuts would all be excellent pairings.

Green Dragon Mango Spinach Coconut Water Smoothie
Recipe Type: Breakfast
Author: Renee Shuman (Will Frolic for Food)
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 1 serving
  • 2 cups frozen mango
  • 2 big handfuls baby spinach
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 3 fresh medjool dates, pitted
  • 4 tablespoons hemp hearts
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black cardamom
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups coconut water + more according to your preference
  • unsweetened flaked coconut
  • sesame seeds
  1. In the bowl of a high powered blender, combine all of the ingredients: mango, spinach, lemon juice, dates, hemp hearts, cardamom, vanilla extract and coconut water. Blend on high, adding more coconut water as you need to get a smooth consistency.
  2. Pour the smoothie out into a large bowl.
  3. Top with flaked coconut and sesame seeds (or anything you like! Cacao nibs are always a good choice).
  4. Enjoy!