Below are answers to frequently asked questions submitted by readers.
Where Can I Get Your FREE E-Book?
You can get it by clicking this link, which opens a separate page where you can submit your email address and a PDF will be sent for you to download via email.
How Do I Sign up for Your Newsletter?
You can sign up right here.
Why did you start Will Frolic for Food?
I started WFFF back in 2012 because I wanted to share the recipes and resources I’d learned when I became deeply interested in whole food, plant-based, refined sugar free cooking and baking. One of my biggest inspirations for starting the blog was my process as I healed my IBS (severe pain + bloating) by reducing my stress and removing wheat, dairy and refined sugar from my diet.
I could easily have felt trapped and depressed by the limitations of my diet, but I chose instead to see it as a set of creative limitations that would challenge my interests in cooking and baking. I spent two years learning how to cook and bake for special diets before starting WFFF. I wanted to share with others that food can be delicious and nourishing to body and soul even with various food restrictions, whether chosen or mandated.
What are your food sensitivities?
I have at various times been sensitive to wheat, sugar and peanuts. I’m allergic to cow dairy. I eliminated all of these things for 8 years before deciding to incorporate some of them back into my diet in small amounts with great success! I can now eat all of these foods in small amounts with no pain or issues. I still prefer to eat wheat-free, sugar-free and dairy free most of the time.
Where did you learn to cook?
My talented mother taught me 99% of the basics. The rest I learned from cooking shows, cooking with friends, cooking and baking out of books, working in raw food kitchens and Organic groceries and (of course) lots and lots of trial and error.
Are you vegan / vegetarian / pescatarian etc.? What diet do you follow?
People ask me what my diet is all the time, and many folks assume I’m vegan because I largely promote eating plant food. I eat a conscientious, nutrient-dense omnivorous diet and use intuitive eating practices to guide my food choices. This method of eating has healed a lot of my trauma around food and body image over time. As a rule I don’t use diet labels, and I feel dogma over food hurts more than it heals.
Are you an herbalist / holistic nutritionist?
I’m not formally trained as an herbalist or nutritionist, and I don’t practice formally as either. I have studied nutrition since 2010 and herbalism since 2017, and I love to share my personal discoveries. I don’t claim to be a clinician -- my suggestions are based on referenced research or my personal experience only.
Where did you learn photography?
I first picked up a camera in 2010 and learned photography mostly by reading, observing, practicing, shadowing other photographers and taking the occasional workshop.
What kind of gear do you use for your photography?
I use a Canon 5D Mark IV and 50mm f/1.4 primarily. I also use a Sigma for Canon macro 50mm f/2.8. Check out my gear page for my extensive explanation of all the gear I use for shooting, editing and blogging.
Will you mentor me in blogging / photography / business?
Please email me hello (at) willfrolicforfood (dot) com to inquire about custom mentorships.
Where can I find your presets?
You can find them here on my shop page.
Do you make money from your blog? How?
I make money via my blog from ads and sponsorships. I only work with top-notch companies for sponsorships that meet my quality, sustainability and ethical standards.
Do you have a book? Is a book on the way?
No I don’t currently have a book and there’s no physical book on the way as of right now. But I would love to publish a book! In the mean-time you can download my free Life Changing Lattes E-Book.
Can I submit a guest post?
I do not accept guest post inquiries.