Will Frolic for Food

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DIY All Purpose Cleaning Spray with Essential Oils

Ever since I turned 30 I’ve been going through a real “nesting” phase. It’s like the homemaker gene has really kicked in. Anyone who’s ever met me knows I love beautiful things, but I've never fully applied that interest to my home. I think I’ve pinned more home and intentional living pins to Pinterest this year than ever before!

Room by room I’ve been making tweaks and fixing things up. This newfound interest has helped me to realize that the look and feel of my space deeply impacts how I feel day-to-day. I work from home, so I’m constantly surrounded by my home choices (or lack thereof). If my space is cluttered and unintentional, I feel more cluttered and unintentional. If the clean laundry piles up unfolded (this happens often) I feel a sense of unease and I get a bit depressed. And vise versa, when my living room is tidy and uncluttered I feel like I can fully unwind at the end of the day.

I’ve been exploring this principle when it comes to cleaning products too. I’ve banished 99% of my old conventional toxic products at this point (there’s a lingering old bleach canister somewhere in case of emergencies). Replacing them with non-toxic products (bought or made) has made me feel like my home is truly holistic from top to bottom. I feel more comfortable moving through my space. I’m much more relaxed knowing that there are no lingering traces of harmful substances being inhaled or absorbed through my skin.

I consider myself relatively busy, so most of the time I opt to buy cleaning products. But one thing I always like to make for myself is a nice all purpose cleaning spray with essential oils. It’s cheaper ounce for ounce than anything I can buy, I know exactly what goes into it and I like being able to experiment with scents.

I bought a few glass spray bottles and a bunch of essential oils from Mountain Rose Herbs to get myself going. The base of this AP cleaning spray is castille soap + rubbing alcohol + tea tree oil. So this spray cleans and disinfects really well without a strong vinegar scent — which makes it a great neutral base for any scent blend.

I like to do a “chai spice” spray with ginger, sweet orange, cinnamon, clove, cardamom essential oils. In a pinch I’ll do just cinnamon and clove for a similar vibe. The spray pictured has a tea-color because I steeped whole clove, cinnamon and cardamom in the final mix overnight then strained. That just gives it a stronger scent. Not necessary, but kind of fun! If you do that I recommend straining after 24 hours.

This homemade cleaning spray is:

  • A snap to make (just blend and shake).

  • Uses the power of essential oils to clean and disinfect.

  • Can be used to clean all surfaces.

  • Simultaneously removes grime and sanitizes.

  • Dries quickly.

  • All featured essential oils are certified Organic and affordable — sourced from Mountain Rose Herbs.

All Purpose Essential Oil Cleaning Spray

You’ll Need

  • 16 oz glass bottle with spray top

  • 3 tbsp rubbing alcohol

  • 4 tbsp castille soap

  • 10 drops tea tree oil

  • 20-25 drops other essential oils (see below scent suggestions)

  • water


In your glass bottle, combine the rubbing alcohol, castille soap, tea tree oil and the rest of your essential oils. Fill the bottle to the top with water. Shake to blend.

Here are my current favorite scent blends:

Chai Spice

Benefits: warming, uplifting, festive, antibacterial

“Thieves” Blend

Benefits: antimicrobial, antibacterial, traditionally used to ward off seasonal sniffles

Citrus Sunrise

Benefits: anti-microbial, energizing, grounding

Lavender Dragon

Benefits: calming, uplifting, soothing

Pine Mountain

Benefits: meditative, grounding, earthy, festive

This post is sponsored by Mountain Rose Herbs. Don’t forget to check out their monthly specials and discounts! All words and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this site possible.