Will Frolic for Food

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A Day of Plant Based Eating + Video | Mango-Nana Blueberry Tahini Swirl Smoothie Bowl, Vegan Garlic Scape Pesto Bowl & more!

what i ate in a day (plant based!) | willfrolicforfood.com
what i ate in a day (plant based!) | willfrolicforfood.com
what i ate in a day (plant based!) | willfrolicforfood.com


Hey guys! Just a quick update today. I've had a couple requests to show what my day to day eating looks like. I eat about 99% plant based, as most of you know. The video covers what I ate last Thursday.

I woke up early & had coffee. Then I went to yoga. Afterwards I made myself amango-nana & blueberry tahini swirl smoothie bowl. I had never made that particular recipe before but it turned out fabulously!

Lunch was on the fly, just gf toast topped with avocado and lots of savory goodness. Including greens from my weekly CSA!

what i ate in a day (plant based!) | willfrolicforfood.com
what i ate in a day (plant based!) | willfrolicforfood.com

Then my friends Laney & Jameson from Lobo Marino dropped by for dinner! They helped me cook up an enormous bowl of good stuff. Crispy pan fried potatoes, roasted radishes, roasted garlic scapes, lemony greens from their garden and a bomb garlic scape pesto! We snacked on a test-version of a miracle chocolate mousse tart (which is why it looks a little bit janky). That's coming to the blog next week so look out for that!

Then we packed everything up and headed to their gig in the park at this venue called The Garage. It's one of the only public venues locally that hosts small-level bands. It's great!

People come and sit on the hill, eat, lounge, listen to music and stare at the sparrows whipping through the blue sky. Logan, Laney, Jameson and my friend Charlie and I all ate our fill from that bowl. That and some berries and we were drunk purely on the loveliness of it all.

I'm going to start a series of these as vlogs. And I'll be doing some Q & A types of posts as well. Hit me up with your questions! Big, small, complicated and simple questions are all welcome!

And subscribe here so you never miss a youtube post!

Oh, and in other news! I'll be hosting live casts every Monday at 6PM on Nom.com starting 6/13. This week: Vegan Cheesy Sauce Secrets! See you there!