Will Frolic for Food is committed to impacting the world through art, free educational resources, healthy recipes, low-cost wellness guides, environmental advocacy, sustainability and racial justice.

Sustainability: Renee follows in the footsteps of many who came before her in her efforts to do her work with the lowest environmental impact possible. Most food sourced for testing on this blog is from farms within 5 miles of her home; when it can’t be she chooses Organic, low or no plastic options whenever possible. Renee is a supporter of Appalachian Voices and Environment Virginia. She seeks to uplift advocates of environmental justice and sustainability whenever possible — by sharing their work via her platform, donating to their causes and offering space for them to share the stage at in-person events.

Social justice: Renee dedicates 10% of blog ad revenue to the NAACP and one alternative BIPOC social justice non-profit every month. She includes diversity riders in contracts when opportunities are offered to her — an equal or higher value opportunity must be pitched to a BIPOC wellness expert too. Renee also commits to creating scholarships for BIPOC (Black/Brown and Indigenous People of Color) who cannot afford access to programming she offers in the future e.g. monthly memberships, coaching, master minds, retreats, trainings, ongoing classes etc.

Partnerships: Renee requires that all businesses she partners with hold themselves to the highest moral standards — exhibiting sustainability and inclusion (and uplifting) of black/BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ peoples in their company. She refuses partnerships with businesses that do not demonstrate sustainable practices, exhibit implicit / explicit racism, advertise with racist media outlets or that do not exhibit a commitment to racial equity.

Personal Life: Renee is committed to buying sustainable, and in 2020 committed to buying only secondhand clothing as a boycott of the toxic fashion industry (not including socks / underwear / shoes / sustainable fitness apparel). Renee is a (new) member of SURJ (Standing Up for Racial Justice) and SURJ Charlottesville and is actively seeking out ways to be involved in racial equity in Virginia. She in no way claims expertise in the work of racial justice, and is committed to the life long process of being a student of and participant in the movement for racial equity.